For the last couple of weeks I have notice that a molar on the top right side of my mouth has become sensitive to hot and cold items. I am not sure if it is a warning sign that I am getting a cavity in that tooth or not.
I do not have insurance and I am not sure if I should get some then go see a dentist about this tooth or not. Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing. I could use some advise.
I would like to know if there is a way of telling if you have a cavity before it starts to hurt you. Please no answers about me going to the dentist because I am talking besides going to the dentist. I really do not like the dentist so I would rather put off seeing one unless I have no choose about it. However that does not mean I want to be in pain either. I hear cavities when they get too big will hurt like heck. How can you tell you have a cavity before it gets to that point?
I am having to get two teeth pulled and the dentist that will be pulling them will not be giving me Valium. I told the dentist that I really do not like dentist or having to have dental work done. I get really scared and nervous to the point that it makes me sick. I was told that she does not use Valium but would numb me up so that I will not feel anything. First is that possible to numb me up well enough that I will not feel any type of pain? Second do all family dentist not use Valium? I do not have insurance that covers me to go to a surgeon but can not understand why a general dentist refuses to use Valium.