Every time I brush and floss my teeth my gum bleeds not just a little either they bleed a lot. Most times I brush twice a day and floss every other. I do not feel that my gums should be bleeding like this. About the only thing I do is regularly drink alcohol but I am not a smoker and I otherwise have a healthy diet.
What should I do? should I see a dentist? Is there something weird going on? Not sure please advise.
So I had two of my wisdom teeth removed and I am still bleeding from the extraction sites. It has been one day already so how long will it take for the bleeeding to completely stop. The taste of the blood is making me sick and the gauze is buging me. Is there anything I can do to help speed things up?
I do not want to get dental insurance just for a dental cleaning once a year. I have great teeth and I not one of these people that do not floss and brush my teeth. I would like to go to a cheap or low cost dental office for the basic dental care. Any suggestions as to were I can get cheap dental work done for basic care.
I was told by my dentist that I need to have a root canal. Up until now I have always just paid cash for my dental services. Now however, I am told I need to see a specialist for the root canal since my tooth is cracked.
That being the case I do not have enough cash to pay off a specialist and then the required crown after the root canal is done. I need dental Insurance help. What would be the best for me to get for my current dental needs.