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Archive for the 'Teeth Whitening' Category

New Jersey Low cost dental, Looking to get a low cost whitening treatment

New Jersey Low cost dental, Looking to get a low cost whitening treatment:   Whitening strips just never really work for me.   They make my teeth look okay for a few weeks but that is all and in the mean time my teeth became really sensitive.

So now I am looking for a low cost dental plan that will over whitening treatments as part of the plan benefits.  I really do not like how my teeth look and need a dentist to whiten them correctly.

Posted on Jan. 31st 2011, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, 3 Comments »

Maryland Low cost dental whitening treatments

Dental whitening treatments for Maryland:   I am hoping to have whitening treatment done by a dentist but the cost is between 150 – 200 depending on the dentist I call.   I would like to get a dental plan that can help me out on the cost of having my teeth whiten.  If it works well for me I an willing to keep the plan it if is affordable.  Can you advise.

Posted on Dec. 6th 2010, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, 2 Comments »

Virginia Dental for Less, Teeth Whiting does Orange and Banana peels help to whiten your teeth

Virginia teeth whiting:   For a very low cost I was told that Orange and Banana peels can help to whiten your teeth.  And they do a better job at whiten teeth then say baking soda does.   My teeth are not as white as I would like them to be but can not afford whitening treatments done by a dentist.  So I just wondering how well does Orange/Banana peels work to whiten  your teeth and just how do you use them.

Posted on Dec. 2nd 2010, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, 4 Comments »

Maryland Dental care, Whitening toothpaste if I brush longer will I whiten my teeth faster

My mom will not get my teeth whiten nor will she pay for any over the counter whiten strips or let me use them.   About the only thing she has agree to was getting me toothpaste with whitening.   I really want my teeth to be really white.

So if I brush longer and more often though out the day will the toothpaste whiten my teeth faster then just brushing normally?

Posted on Nov. 28th 2010, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, No Comments »

Dental discout plans, Will they offer discount on teeth whiten treatments

I have been looking for dental insurance that will cover for a whiten treatment done at a dental office.  My teeth are stained due to past smoking.  I really only smoke for about a year and it was really stupid but I quit and now my teeth are yellowish and I really dislike how they look.

All the insurance plan I seen will not offer coverage for whitening.  So I am left with discount plans to try and get some saving on the treatment. However I do not see whiten listed.  Is whiten something that they will over a discount on or am I out of luck there too.

Posted on Oct. 27th 2010, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, 1 Comment »

Dental for less, Looking for some home remedies to whiten teeth

I’ve had yellow teeth now fro many years and I really dislike how they look.  I brush and floss my teeth regularly.  I go to the dentist twice a year and have no cavities.   My teeth are just yellow.  I do not have the money to waste on whitening treatment done by the dentist since my dental insurance will not cover for it.   Any low cost ideas or home remedies that I can try to get a whiter smile?

Posted on Sep. 12th 2010, by Dental, in Teeth Whitening, 3 Comments »

Dental for less, Teeth whitening strips

My teeth are not as white as I would like them to be.  And since my dental insurance will not cover anything for whitening treatments from my dentist, I bought Listerine whitening strips.

I am just wondering if they really work or was it a waste of my money?  I am going to try them since I got them but is there anything I should know about whiten strips first?

Posted on Aug. 11th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Teeth Whitening, No Comments »

Dental, Do dental whitening strips really work

I do not have the money to get my teeth whiten by the dentist so I was thinking of using Crest whiten strips.   I never use whiten strips before so I would like to know, are they hard to use?  Like do the strips stay in place or are you having to mess with them all the time just to whiten your teeth.  Do the strips really work like they show them to?  How long do you use the strip for?

Posted on Jun. 8th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Teeth Whitening, No Comments »

Low cost dental, What is a low cost whitening treatment

What is a good low cost way of whitening your teeth?  My teeth are not really bad but I would like them to be whiter.   I do not have a lot of extra money so what is a good way to whiten your teeth without it costing a arm and a leg?

Posted on May. 27th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Teeth Whitening, 2 Comments »

Dental for Less, Do Orange and Banana peels Whiten your Teeth?

Hello,  I was told by a friend that if you want to have a cheap way to whiten your teeth you can use orange or banana peels.  I would like to know if that is true?  If so does it do any damage to your teeth?  Also just how would you go about using the peels to whiten you teeth?

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