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Archive for the 'Dentists' Category

Dental Insurance in Delaware that has Affordable Dentist

Dental Insurance in Delaware that has Affordable Dentist.   I want to get a dental insurance plan that has affordable dentist in their network.  I have dental insurance though my job but whenever I go to use it I get hit by additional charges because the dentist cost is higher then want the plan will pay out for.  

I am tired of guessing at what my true cost are do you have any plans that will not do this or have affordable dentist that I do not have to worry about additional charges

Posted on Feb. 12th 2011, by Dental, in Dentists, No Comments »

Florida Dental Insurance, How can you know if your dentist is over charging

Florida Dental Insurance, How can you know if your dentist is over charging:   I am new to having dental insurance and really going to the dentist.   Four months ago I got dental insurance though my job. 

Since I have not been to the dentist is a long while I thought I would use the dental insurance I got and go.  Preventive care was to be free at least that what I thought but I got a bill back from the dentist saying my insurance company did not pay 100 % of the billing. 

So I called the insurance company and was told that the dentist charges where over their UCR fees.  I asked what this meant and was told in short my dentist cost was too high.  Does this means my dentist is over charging me?  I do not want to have to pay for dental care when it was to be free.

Posted on Feb. 1st 2011, by Dental, in Dentists, 1 Comment »

Dental care, pain from dental spacers.

My son just got dental spacers a few hours ago.  The dentist told me that he many have some pain with them until his teeth adjust to having them in.  He is in pain and the Tylenol I gave him has not kicked in yet.  Is there anything else I can do to help him relive the pain he is currently in?

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Posted on Jul. 29th 2010, by Dental, in Braces, Dentists, Tooth Aches, No Comments »

Dental for less, Looking for a low cost dental plan for my daughter

My daughter is 23 and will be getting drop from my current dental plan do to her age.  Since I get my dental with my job I need to find a plan just for her.  I am still willing to pay for her dental insurance as long as she is in school.

However, I would still like a low cost plan.  Something that offer good over all dental coverages. She does not need any major dental work but I want her to still be able to see the dentist on a regular bases.  What can you suggest.

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Posted on Jul. 27th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental Discount plans, Do you still get quality dental care

So I have been thinking about picking up a dental discount plan until my current dental insurance plan waiting periods are over.  On my current dental insurance,  I still have another ten months before I have no waiting period for any dental services.

However I am worried that on a dental discount plan you may not get the same quality of dental care.  I need two filling nothing to big but I want them done now.  Are the dentist in a discount plan just as good as dentist that do not take discount plans?

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Posted on Jul. 23rd 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, No Comments »

Dental care, Feeling a little riped off from my dentist.

A few year ago I was in a bike accident where I broke a few of my front teeth.   Three teeth were chipped and one was cracked.   At the time I did not have any dental insurance. So I could not really do anything about it.

Now I have dental insurance though work and I was told that I could use the plan for fixing up my teeth. I went to a dental office that my insurance company refer me to as a plan dentist in their PPO network.

When I went to see the dentist they quoted me $3500.00 to fix up my teeth.  My dental insurance was going to pay %50 of the bill.  However by the time all things were said and done my cost was  $2500.00.  As you can see then numbers are not adding up.    I think the dentist is over charging from what he told me the cost is going to be.

I just got this bill in the mail today and a corse the dental office is closed for a week  do to some construction work going on.  Up set about this whole matter need advise so when I call the dental office to find out what is going on I will know what to say.

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Posted on Jul. 22nd 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental for Less, What is the point in having dental insurance.

Okay around two year ago I had to have two of my wisdom teeth removed.  The dentist charged my dental insurance company at the time $3500 My plan covered 60 percent of that which I thought was good. So my cost was $1400 plus my  $40 deductible.

So live goes on.  Two weeks ago my friend had to also get two wisdom teeth removed.  She lives on a low income and did not have dental insurance like I did. So she had to pay in cash.  The dentist only charged  $750.00 per tooth costing her $1500.00.
When she told me this I was like what the heck was up with that.  I had insurance and had to pay almost as much as she did without insurance.   So to me it is quite clear that if you have dental insurance the dental office is going to stick it to you in order to get more money out of you.  Because if you do not have insurance you probably can not afford to pay $3500.00.
There should be a law again a dentist adjusting their charges like that.  Otherwise what is the point in me having $25.00 dollars taken out of my paycheck each time to just get rib off at a dental office for having dental insurance.
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Posted on Jul. 21st 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, No Comments »

Low cost Monthly Dental Plans, Need a dental plan with a low monthly rate

I am looking for a low monthly cost plan ideally one that I can stay with my dentist.   I had been with my dentist for over five years but that was when I had dental insurance though a job I had.  I have not been to the dentist now in over eight months so I am pass my next visit for my dental check up.

I would like to have dental insurance in place so that I do not have to pay for my office visit and cleaning.  Looking for a dental plan that would at least pay most of my dental cost for my X-rays and cleaning.

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Posted on Jul. 18th 2010, by Dental, in Cavities, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, No Comments »

Trying to afford dental service, But I have no dental insurance

My husband is self employed and although I work I work only part time so I do not get dental insurance offer to me.   My husband and I are already paying for our health insurance which is over $200.00 a month so you think they would offer dental but they don’t.

I now have a toothache so I know at least I need a filling done.  How do I afford having dental work done when I do not have dental insurance?  I have called a dental clinic about my dental needs but was told the soonest they can get me in is two months from now.  They can only take me in sooner if I was having severe dental pain. Which to me dose not make sence since in two more month I just may be in severe dental pain.  I could use some help.

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Posted on Jul. 9th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, Filings, Tooth Aches, No Comments »

Dental insurance, Dental claims question

How do I get my dentist to file the claims. I got a dental PPO insurance plan because the dentist I want to go only takes PPO dental insurance plans.  I have to deal with the waiting periods and yearly max limits in order to continue seeing my dentist.

I was find with that but now I am being told that they are going to make me pay for my dental services in full!!  That it is up to me to file the claim to my insurance company.  They would fill out the form but that is all they will do.   This is something they did not inform me of when I went to the trouble of getting dental insurance that will aloud me to go to them.

I am to say the least really pissed off.  How do I get them to file the claim so that I only have to pay for what my plan does not?  Since my dentist changed his staffing and drop the one HMO plan that I had I am left feeling like he does not care for my business since I am the one left jumping all of their hoops.

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Posted on Jul. 8th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, No Comments »

Dental Insurance care, Broken tooth in NY

Please help give me some good advise.  I just broke a part of my back tooth off.  I have dental insurance but since I just got it I fall under a waiting period so the crown that I need will not be covered for another six months.

What can I get in the mean time?  I need something that will help fray my cost. The dentist is telling me without insurance having the crown will cost me over $800.00.  I can not pay that much money all at once.   If I am left without a choice I will wait the six months put would prefer not to.

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Posted on Jul. 7th 2010, by Dental, in Crowns, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 1 Comment »

Getting Dental Insurance for less, Looking for a low cost dental plan

Here is my problem I want to stay with my current dentist.  However my dentist is not a provider of any HMO and or dental discount plan.  Which normally would be the low cost dental insurance plan to my understanding.

How do you get a low cost PPO dental insurance plan so that I can stay with my dentist.  Also although I do know that PPO come with waiting periods I would like it if they were not over a year.  Is there somthing that would fit my needs.   Out here in Texas.

Posted on Jul. 6th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental care, I want to change my dentist under my dental insurance plan.

My husband and I have an HMO dental insurance plan that he get from his job.  My husband like the dentist we go to but I can not stand him.  To me is his a big time jerk with an attitude problem.  For some reason he is alway really nice to my husband but has issues with me.

My husband does not get it and thinks I am making thing up but it is true.  It is night and day difference.   I want to change dental offices under our plan but my husband will not change.   Can I have a different dentist then him.  I will not go back to that dentist and if I have to pay out of pocket in order to see a different dentist I will.

Advise please.

Posted on Jul. 2nd 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 1 Comment »

Dental Insurance needed. I have a toothache and I need a dentist

I have a bad toothache pain and I live in OK.  I need to see a dentist that will not rip me off.  I also need to get dental insurance so that I can afford to fix my tooth.  The thing is I do not have a lot of money and do not want to get riped off.  What type of plan would be best for me to get.

Posted on Jun. 25th 2010, by Dental, in Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, Tooth Aches, 1 Comment »

Dental Insurance, I want to stay with my dentist

My job just changed their group dental plans that they offer to us.  Prior to the change I had Delta Dental that let me choose my dentist.  Now do to cost they change to a net work plan where my dentist is not listed.   I want to stay with my dentist but my dentist told me that since they are not a network dentist I would not have coverage and I would be paying them in full if I choose to stay with them.

I do not know what to do.  My dentist is important to me.  She was the first dentist that I really like since going to the dentist is a big fear of mine.   I do not want to risk having a different dentist but my job does not offer any other type of dental insurance.  Is there a way to keep my dentist and still have dental insurance.

Posted on Jun. 24th 2010, by Dental, in Dental Fear, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental Insurance, What dental insurance let you choose any dentist

Hello,  I am a full  time collage student living in California.  I am looking to have some dental work done soon.   Right now just looking to have some basic dental work but in the future would like to have some cosmetic dental work as well.

That is why I am on the hunt for affordable dental insurance that will let me choose any dentist I want.  I current have a dentist and was told that if I get insurance I would need a plan that will let me pick my own dentist since they are not in any dental network.  So what type of dental insurance is like that.   I am assuming there has to be a plan like that since that is what my dental office is telling me to get.

Posted on Jun. 24th 2010, by Dental, in Cosmetic, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental Insurance Coverages, Filling out a dental claim form

I have a dental PPO insurance plan and in the plan terms and conditions I am required to notify them before any dental treatment that is over $300.00.  I really do not have a issue with this because I know that is there to make sure I do not go over UCR rate without knowing it a head of time.

My problem is how do I go about doing notifying them?  Will my dentist give me a treatment plan without me consenting to the work being done?  So that I can send that to the insurance company as required?    If I do not have the work done with the dentist charge me for the treatment plan?  Not sure how to go about this advise please.

Posted on Jun. 23rd 2010, by Dental, in Dental Claims, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 1 Comment »

I Have a broken tooth, Need a low cost dental insurance plan

Yesterday I cracked my tooth.  No part of the tooth broke off but I can see a crack line on the tooth that was not there before.  My tooth does not hurt me but I want to have it taken care of ASAP so that it does not brake before seeing a dentist.

My worry is that I do not have dental insurance.  Before now I really did not need it since I would just pay my dentist for a cleaning and be done with it.  I was told by my friend that I may need a dental crown so that my tooth does not brake a part.  I know crown are costly so I would like a low cost dental plan that can at least save me 50 percent or more off the cost of getting a crown.   Where would I find a dental insurance that will help me with this need.

Posted on Jun. 22nd 2010, by Dental, in Cleaning, Crowns, Dental help, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental Coverages for Insurance, I only want to do dental work that is covered

I have dental insurance that is all right but does not cover for the high end dental services.  Which is really fine for me.  The problem I am having is with my dentist under the plan.  He keeps wanting me to get the high end crowns that are not covered compared to porcelain fused to metal that are.  I tell him I do not want full porcelain since it is not covered and he give me a hard time about it. 

This is just one example because every time I have to fight with him to do only the services that I am covered for.  I do not see the problem if he does not want to do that type of services then why does he even take the plan.   This is really bugging me.  I would change dentist only he is the closest one to me and the other office would be out of my way.

Posted on Jun. 18th 2010, by Dental, in Crowns, Dental Insurance, Dentists, 1 Comment »

Dental for Less, Dental work needed on a two year old

What do you do if your general dentist that you been going to does do dental work on children that are younger the five?  My insurance plan does not cover for me to take her to a pediatric dentist because they do not cover for specialist.

Do all general dentist not help two years old.  My son is really well behaved and I not see him having any problems with going to a dentist because he likes everyone.   What can I do or say to get a general dentist to see my son.  I would hate to have to wait  until he is five to see the dentist.

Posted on Jun. 18th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dentists, 1 Comment »

Dental Implants, Need to have Dental for Less.

I would love to be able to get dental implants.  Right now I have dental partials since when I got them that was all I really could afford to get.   I know that dental insurance does not cover for implants at least not any plans I have come across do.   Where can I go for dental implants that are not so crazy high.  Right now the one place I went to says it would be around 1000 – 1200 a tooth.  Way to much for me still.  Do you know of any place or way I can help reduce that cost?

Posted on Jun. 17th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dentists, Implants, 1 Comment »

Low Cost Dental Services, How do you get a second dental opinion?

So I have been told by my dentist that I need to have two fillings and a deep cleaning.  All this dental work would total out to $434.00.  The deep cleanings  being the most costly.   I like my dentist but she keeps getting more and more expensive for her dental services.

How would I shop out this dental work that I need to have in order to see if I can get a lower rate for those services?  I do not want to say the wrong thing so that if I do get a lower rate it is really a lower which will not change when I get there.

Posted on Jun. 12th 2010, by Dental, in Cleaning, Dental help, Dentists, Filings, No Comments »

Comparing Dental insurance plans, What is a dental HMO

I am in need of dental insurance since I have not been to the dentist for a little over a year now.  I called some local dentist in the phone book and was told not to get a dental HMO plan if I was going to get dental insurance first.   Why do they say that? What is a dental HMO plan and what is so bad about them that three dentist tell me not to get an HMO plan.   The few PPO plans I have seen on line are really pricey.  Are HMO cheaper or more expensive?   I can not go to a dentist without getting some type of plan first.

Posted on Jun. 7th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, No Comments »

Comparing dental insurance, What is the different between a dental PPO and a dental Indemnity plan

My dentist is not a member provider of any dental insurance or plans.  I really wish to stay with her since she has always treated me well and offers low prices compared to some other dentist in the area.   She tells me I would need to find a PPO or a Indemnity plan.  I tried finding either type of plan but I am not sure what the differences between the two are or which would be better for me to get.  Can you please advise.  Thank you

Posted on Jun. 6th 2010, by Dental, in Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, 2 Comments »

Dental Insurance, Network dentist are lame.

Please advise me:   I just got an dental insurance plan that is a network provider plan only.  At the time when I got it I was fine with having to see their dentist under the plan.  For the last two years I was going to this one dentist that now no longer takes the plan.  When I call the insurance company they only have one other dentist in my area.   So I changed to that dentist as my provider.

I went in today for my cleaning and the place was a mess.   It was in a bad area that I really did not like too much. When I went into the dental office,  the front office staff were very rude to me.  It was like they did not want to be there.  The waiting room was messy and needed to be pick up some.  Since I was there I had my X-rays and cleaning done.  I did like the dentist she was nice but the place it self was not pleasant by any stand point.

Here is my issues.  My dental Insurance plans works for me since all I really get done are the two cleaning a year and they are free to me.  Since there are no other dentist should I just put up with the way the place and the staff are?  Or should I cancel my insurance and look for another dental plan where I can choose my own dentist.  That way I can go back to my original dentist I had before he stop using the dental plan I am on.

Posted on Jun. 5th 2010, by Dental, in Cleaning, Dental help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans, Dentists, No Comments »
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