Dental Hazard of Drinking Coffee and Tea – Dental 4 Less
Although one of America’s favorite morning and afternoon beverages may be coffee and tea, they have compounds called tannins, which can cause unsightly stains and discoloring of your teeth. Therefore, to avoid staining your teeth, limit the amount of coffee and tea you drink throughout the day. If you drink coffee and tea, do so with a straw to limit contact with your teeth. Avoid slowly drinking these types of drinks. It can be fun to hang out at the local coffee house and buy one cup of coffee during your hour or more stay, but it could be more fun for your teeth if you don’t baby your drink or at least drink through a straw.
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Posted on Friday, May. 17th 2024 10:00 AM | by Gina | in Dental HMO Insurance Plans, Dental Insurance, Dental Oral Health, Insurance Coverages | No Comments »