Dental 4 Less, How much does deep cleaning normally cost?
My dentist advise that I needed to have a deep cleaning since I had pockets number ranging from 2-4. I did half of my mouth already which cost me $200.00 and I am going to do the other side which also cost $200.00 So I am paying $400.00 overall. I have dental insurance through my dad plan, but if I did not have insurance it would be Around $1800. It just seems so expensive
Answer: Deep cleaning can be costly without having any dental insurance in place. That said many dental services are costly when one does not have dental insurance to help control cost. You may be albe to find another dental insurance plan that may cost you less to have a deap cleaning but on average deep cleaning with an HMO Dental insurance can run around 80 – 100 a quad (4 quads total) on most PPO plans they cover 50 – 60 percent of the cost of major services.