Questions to Ask When Picking a Potential New Dentist Part One
Find a dentist that is right for you and or your family does not have to be difficult if you know what you what to look for in advance. Before calling any dentist make a list of items that are important to you. Doing this will help you to be clear in asking questions and finding the answer you want.
* If you have current dental insurance is a dentist a provider of that plan. If so are they accepting new patients under the dental insurance plan you currently have.
* How long has the dentist been in practice.
* Do they have referrals that can be provided you.
* How long has he/she been at their current location?
* If you or a family member has any special conditions such as physical handicaps, diabetes HIV/AIDS, Autism etc. is the dentist able to treat patients with special conditions.
* Does the dentist treat children as well as adults.
* What are their hours and how do they deal with dental emergencies.