Dental care, will having teeth pulled hurt?
I never had to have any major dental care. I take really good care of my teeth by brushing three times a day and flossing not only that but I see my dentist four time a year for checks and cleaning. I can not stand bad teeth whether they are mine or someone else’s.
My dentist told me that my bottom two wisdom teeth needs to be pulled soon before they start coming out since they are a little sideways they will start to cause problems. For some reason I only show that I have bottom wisdom teeth in the X-Rays but not top ones.
Anyway I am a little scared over this event and even though I made an appointment what should I expect? Is it painful and if so how long normally
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Posted on Friday, Nov. 12th 2010 8:59 AM | by Dental | in Extractions | 3 Comments »
Monday, Nov. 22nd 2010 4:44 PM at 4:44 pm
Well if you are getting Wisdom teeth pulled are you being put to sleep? If so you really will not remember much of anything. So having them pulled would not bother you at all.
Afterwords you more then likly have some pain to deal with but the dentist will give you a prescribtion for that so you should be okay.
I was feeling fine it three days after having all four of my widom teeth pulled.
Monday, Nov. 22nd 2010 4:51 PM at 4:51 pm
For me having my wisdom teeth pulled really did hurt. Not during becuase I was put to sleep but afterwords. Right when I woke up I was in really bad pain and my face was all puffy.
I hated having my teeth pulled and will never have any more done that is for sure. I guess people handle things differently but I did not really start feeling better until about a full week latter.
Monday, Nov. 22nd 2010 4:53 PM at 4:53 pm
Well so far I only had one of my Wisdom teeth pull and that was becuase it was coming in sideways like yours are doing now.
I did not go to sleep it was too costly if I did so I just got a local. It was not all that bad and I got though it all okay. I did have some pain but since I do not take anything stronger the Advil I did not take the prescibtion the doctor would have given to me but that was my own personal choice.