Dental 4 Less – Dental Insurance Facts
Are You Getting the Facts Before You Buy Dental Insurance?
When shopping for dental insurance online or through an agent, know all the facts about each type of dental plan before buying one. Mistakes happen when you need clarification on how a dental plan works. Purchasing dental insurance online is easy and convenient, but people need to read and understand what they buy. Before hitting the submit button, ensure you understand the plan’s terms.
Does the dental plan have waiting periods or yearly max dollar amount limitations? Is the dental insurance plan an in-network dental provider only, or can you go outside the network of dental providers? When is the insurance plan effective? Did you call the dentist to confirm they still accept the dental insurance plan? Is what you are reviewing a dental insurance plan or a dental discount plan? What are your dental needs, and are you getting a dental insurance plan that best fits them?
Taking the extra time to fully understand the dental plan you are buying will save you from headaches and being upset later on.